+ What is Windsor Park's mailing address?
Windsor Park Community Homes Association, P.O. Box 87335, Canton, MI 48187
+ How do I get information about my HOA dues?
It's easy. Contact Windsor Park here on the website or email us at contact@windsorparkcanton.org.
+ When is trash pick-up day?
Trash, yard waste, and recycling collection is Monday. Visit the Canton website for more information on acceptable items and holiday schedules.
+ What email updates should I expect to receive if I sign up?
By signing up for emails, you’ll receive important community notices that pertain to your membership and safety. Please note that Windsor Park (WPHOA) takes your privacy seriously. We will never sell or rent your personal information to third parties for their use without your consent.
+ Who is responsible for maintaining the landscape of the round island in my cul-de-sac?
The courts/cul-de-sac islands are common areas within the subdivision, and surrounding neighbors are responsible for the upkeep of those areas. Windsor Park encourages residents who live around common areas to plan to keep up those areas collaboratively.
+ Who is responsible for removing the snow from the sidewalks on Warren, Morton Taylor, or Sheldon?
These sidewalks are the property of Canton Township and typically are not maintained. However, residents at these corner lots may remove snow at their discretion, but they are not obligated.
+ What are some common ordinance codes that are often broken?
Common codes broken are high grass, loud noise, failure to keep up a property, or commercial vehicles parked on residential property for an extended time. Download Township Ordinance Information for more details or call Canton Public Safety at (734) 394-5400 or Ordinance Officer Sean Skinner at (734) 394-5379 / sean.skinner@cantonmi.gov. Windsor Park encourages all residents to abide by all Canton Township ordinances and report offenders.
+ I have a neighbor that is a repeat offender of Canton Township ordinance. What should I do?
Immediately call Canton Public Safety at (734) 394-5400 or Ordinance Officer T.J. Turowski at (734) 394-5211. Windsor Park encourages all residents to abide by all Canton Township ordinances and report offenders.
+ How can I join the Windsor Park Board or a Committee?
Windsor Park is excited you are interested in making our community better. Please contact WPHOA at contact@windsorparkcanton.org.